
2022 Print Show Committee
CWAJ (College Women’s Association of Japan) promotes education and cross-cultural exchange through its scholarship programs, annual exhibition and sale of contemporary Japanese prints, and community service programs, including English programs for Japanese visually impaired. A volunteer, not-for-profit organization, CWAJ has over 400 members from 25 countries. Founded in 1949, for seven decades CWAJ has nurtured future leaders through scholarships to women to further their international study, as well as to Japanese visually impaired, young print artists and nursing school students in Fukushima. CWAJ offers opportunities for women from all over the world to share cultural experiences and friendship while making a difference.
一般社団法人 CWAJ(College Women’s Association of Japan)は、世界各国から集まった女 性たちが共に友情を深めながら、首都圏を中心に教育・文化および国際交流活動をおこなっているボランティア団体です。1949年に日本人留学生への渡航費援助を目 的に発足した小さなグループが、今日では約25カ国の女性400余名の会員を有する組織となりました。1972年には国際社会で活躍できる女性リーダーの育成を目標に女性のための奨学金を創設、現在では毎年開催されるCWAJ現代版画展の純益等をもとに、国内外で学ぶ女性・視覚障害学生・若手版画家・福島の看護学生などを対象とした奨学金プログラム、教育支援プログラムを運営しています。
Video: Women at Work – The College Women’s Association of Japan
“Women at Work” is a series celebrating female excellence by In Japan TV.
In Japan TV joined CWAJ in 2018 at our 62nd Annual Print Show to learn more about how our fundraising efforts support education for women and other great causes.