
Art for People with Visual Impairments

Hands-on Art (HOA) is a unique program inspired by CWAJs commitment to the visually impaired community. It was first launched in 1996 under the proposal and guidance of Julia Cassim* with the idea of offering opportunities for people with visual impairments to enjoy the prints exhibited in the CWAJ Print Show. Since then, we choose several prints every year and make them into tactile prints called Raised Imageswith the cooperation of the Japan Braille Library. As the number of raised images is limited, volunteer guides also take visually impaired visitors on tours of the entire Print Show so they can enjoy many works through descriptions.


HOA is not a program only for those with visual difficulties, but is an exceptional program for everyone to enjoy. The program seems to hold a special fascination for children who thoroughly enjoy “touching” the raised images with their fingers.


* Julia Cassim: Former art columnist for the Japan Times; author of “Into the Light – Museums and their Visually Impaired Visitors”; recipient of the CWAJ-VBS (now VVI) 20th Anniversary Award.


「ハンズ・オン・アート」は、1996年の第41回現代版画展において、 ジュリア・カシム氏*の提案と指導のもと、展示された版画を視覚障害 者 に 親 し ん で い た だ け る よ う 企 画 さ れ まし た 。 以 来 、 毎 年 数 点 の 作 品 を選び、日本点字図書館の協力を得て、版画の重要な要素を手で触 れて鑑賞できるよう加工した触図(指先で触ってわかる図や絵)を作成 してきました。また、触図を作成できる作品数は限られているため、会 場に展示されている他の版画は、ボランティアのガイドとともに会場を まわって解説を聞きながら鑑賞します。昨年は、3年ぶりに視覚障害の ある方々を会場にお迎えして対面でのプログラムを開催することがで き、来場者から貴重なコメントが寄せられました。



HOA視覚障害だけの特別なプログラムではなくさまざまな参 加していただける企画です。特におさんたちは、指先でれて「感じる」体験、大いにしんでくれているようです

* ジュリアカセム氏:元ジャパンタイムズアートコラムニスト。著 書「光―視覚障害者美術館・博物館アクセス」他。 CWAJVBS(VVI) 20周年記念特別賞受賞。

Making Raised Images

Choosing the prints to be raised can, at times, be a delicate process, as there are so many outstanding, exceptional prints to choose from. This year, out of 207 prints exhibited, the Hands-on Art Committee chose four prints created with different techniques to make raised images. Prints with bright colors and clear patterns and lines are considered suitable for raised images. We choose pieces with narrative qualities that could spark imagination for both guides and visitors.

Recently, with the progress of technology, we no longer need to make the draft of the images by hand, but are able to do this via the PC and a special copy machine with the cooperation of the Japan Braille Library. We have also had the great fortune of receiving comments from the artists enabling our visually impaired guests to understand the print clearly.

Preservation of the artistsconcepts and the needs of the visually impaired are carefully considered in the process of preparing the raised images. The draft of the raised image is then checked by a visually impaired volunteer, and after several revisions, the raised image is finalized. 





We are extremely grateful to the four artists who gave us permission to raise their prints for the visually impaired to enjoy and to the Japan Braille Library for helping us with the creation of copies of the raised images.


AKIYAMA Toyohide 秋山豊英

Frog 24-1 カエル 24-1 (woodcut)

[Frog 24-1]

MIYAMOTO Shoji 宮本承司

Phalaenopsushi 胡蝶鮨 (woodcut)


HIROTA Raifu 廣田雷風

Pianist ピアニスト (linocut)


KANEKO Kunio 金子邦生

Kabuto Man goes to Hollywood (woodcut)

Kabuto Man goes to Hollywood